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Your Crowning Glory: Your Wig

Where to shop

PPLW1504Mail order or online shopping: This is the most discreet and anonymous, but trying a wide variety of styles is impossible. We definitely don’t recommend it for your first purchase. On the other hand, if you’ve identified a style and colour but are looking for a better price, check it out.

Beauty Shops: These stores don’t usually specialize in wigs but may have a small selection available. Those located in malls tend to lack privacy.

Department Stores: Wig departments usually have more selection than beauty shops but also lack sufficient privacy for some and often have higher prices. Some may offer styling and cleaning services.

Wig Stores: These specialise in wigs, usually have a large stock and a good-sized display area. Staff are usually helpful and knowledgeable. Most offer privacy from the street but not necessarily from other customers. They can order most styles in a range of colours. Some may offer styling and cleaning services. Prices vary widely between stores. Check our store listings under Wigs for our favourites.

Wig Salons: These are the best for helpful, friendly, discreet service. They generally have a good selection and can order most styles in a range of colours. Most offer styling and cleaning services. Prices are usually the highest because of premium brands, quality and service. Many salons will make private appointments.