
We're glad you stopped by our page! We're the Cornbury Society, a social, educational and support group for crossdressers and transgender people. We're based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

We welcome all who choose to dress opposite from their birth or anatomical gender, without regard for your reasons for doing so or how often you do so. We also welcome your spouses and significant others and others in the community who support you.

Our site is for the information and education of the browsing public, for people looking for resources on gender identity and related issues and for communication with our club membership. If you're looking for pornography there are thousands of sites available to you, but this isn't one of them. That said, this site does deal with the subject of crossdressing and that may be offensive to some. Should you choose to stay, please read on with an open mind.

Considering joining Cornbury?

Use our Contact page to request more information.

We're always looking for new members and for ways to reach out to support the closeted, the timidly emerging and the out-and-proud crossdressers in our community.

Note - if you wish to simply create an account on this site without joining the Society, please use our Contact page and tell us why you wish to do so. You can't create your own account, for which we apologise.

All about Esprit

Esprit is a transgender convention held annually in May in the beautiful seaside town of Port Angeles, Washington. Esprit celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2019, making it one of the longest-running conventions of its kind on the continent! Esprit brings together around 120 crossdressers, transgenders and often their spouses or significant others for a week of fun, friendship, learning and sharing - and a good helping of partying! Renowned and experienced instructors lead a slate of classes and the evenings are given over to entertainment ranging from dancing and a pool tournament to a gala banquet and dance - with much more in between. It's been described as life-changing, and for some, life-saving.

Cornbury has been a co-presenter of Esprit from its beginnings in 1990.

For more information and to register for Esprit 2025, go to the main Esprit site (opens in a new window).

Registration opens at midnight, 1 January, 2025.

Comments or problems with this web site?

Use our Contact page.

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