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The first ESPRIT officially opened on the Wednesday before Victoria Day and finished on the Sunday. From the opening wine & cheese party to the closing Sunday morning brunch the event was a resounding success. The bar in The Red Lion Hotel was packed to the rafters nightly as residents and tourists came to ogle the magnificently attired visions of beauty. The local closets opened and new butterflies emerged.
Port Angeles was truly liberated and would never be the same.
As the Sunday Brunch wound down there were many tears shed as new found friends bid adieu to each other. As a group there is no doubt that on that Sunday
morning the Kleenex Company would have shed tears of joy as box after box of their products were quickly dispensed.
It was with a very heavy heart that the Cornbury group made their collective way to the Canadian border. Revelling in their newly found confidence some threw caution to the wind and crossed the border dressed in the clothing of their chosen gender.
Canadian Customs officials, not having experience dealing with this number of Transfolk, decided that the less said, the better. I was pleased to see that nobody had a problem.