• News

How do I create a Post?

A Post is an entry in your Blog. Think of it as a page in your diary, except that it’s online, and (usually) anyone can read it. You must be logged in as a paid-up Cornbury member in order to create a post. Do this: In the pink menu bar,…


How do I change my password?

If you’re not logged in: Look in the login box for “Lost your password?”. This will email you a link. Check your email in a few minutes, then click the link in the email and you can set a new password. The email address will be the one used when…


How do I change my Profile Photo?

New accounts are given an automatically generated profile photo of coloured squares like the example below. You can upload your own photo instead. You must be logged into the site. Each page has something like this on it: Click Profile to go to your Profile screen. In your Profile screen,…


How do I send a Message to a Friend?

You can exchange messages with your friends via your profile screen. You must be logged in to do so. If you have any outstanding messages or other notifications, you’ll see something like this at the very top right of your screen. The blue number indicates how many notifications you have. You’ll see…


How do I renew my membership?

Easy. From mid-December through the end of March, you’ll see an event on our calendar called “Dues Renewal”. Click on it and follow the instructions therein. Note that you must be logged in as a paid-up member to see this. If you can’t login or your membership’s expired, use the…


What does membership get me?

As a paid-up member of the Cornbury Society you’ll enjoy: notification of private events (yes, we invite the public to some of our events but must keep some events private for our closeted members) greater access to the website (personal blogs, the ability to comment on posts, friending and messaging…


How much does it cost?

Full membership is $50 per calendar year. Dues are due in January. Spouses/partners and supporters are welcome to join for free. Contact us for details. If you live more than 75 km from the Vancouver, BC area or or are otherwise unable to get to meetings, you may be eligible…


How do I join the Cornbury Society?

The Cornbury Society serves crossdressers, transgenders, their supporters and allies. We like to speak with prospective members face to face before they join in order to answer questions and make sure we’re a good fit for each other. Use the Contact Us form in the main menu bar to request…


How do I join the website?

You can see most of the website without logging in or creating an ID. You can’t create your own username (a.k.a. register yourself on the site); sorry. So – just start browsing around and enjoy your visit! If you really need a username, for example so you can comment on posts, please…
